Welcome to the International Dance Organization!
Representing more than 90 member countries, nations, and organizations all supporting the incredibly rich heritage and history of dancing across the globe, the International Dance Organization (IDO) is dedicated to supporting members, fostering competition, helping to build skills, and improving the life experiences of each and every dancer out there today – and all dancers in the future!
Not only is this organization responsible for supporting dance instruction, dance competition, and a number of marquee dance events, but it also helps to build up and foster the heritage and history of dancing as well as helping people better appreciate dancing from global cultures that they may not have been intimately familiar with in the past.
A little bit about the IDO
Initially established in 1981 with just a handful of inaugural members, the International Dance Organization has steadily grown into maybe the most influential (but certainly one of the most influential) dance organizations and federations in human history.
With more than 250,000 member dancers across six continents – with the lone, cold exception of Antarctica remaining as the only outsider – the International Dance Organization has been quite successful in their mission.
Members are able to compete directly against one another in sanctioned events, and enjoying a ranking and award system that helps to improve the level of competition throughout the global dance and dance sport community.
Originally conceived of as an organization that would help to restore order to a rather fractured dancing community in the United States, it’s quickly become a global governing body and Federation of over 90 nations (with more joining on a regular basis) that helps to better steer the direction of dance in the dance community in a direction that everyone is happy with.
Events and activities supported by the IDO
Every single year, International Dance Organization members and national groups host and hold their very own International Dance Organization events.
2013 saw 16 different IDO events held across the globe, with members from France, Russia, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Azerbaijan, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Poland all hosting their very own International Dance Organization of events and competitions.
Each and every single one of these global competitions were built around a number of specific disciplines, with most of those same competitions encompassing at least three (and sometimes more) disciplines for the dancers to partake in.
Some of them, however, were very specific in their designation. For instance, between December 3 and December 7 in Germany, the International Dance Organization of event was solely focused on the discipline of tap dancing.
This was the world championships of that dancing discipline, unlike the event that was held just three days later in Poland – the 13th annual World Dance week!
2014 has already seen three different events hosted by International Dance Organization members, with each and every one of them being official International Dance Organization events as opposed to those that are simply sanctioned by the same governing body.
These events are the best way for IDO dancers and members to climb in the global rankings, as well as to win and earn prestige in their particular discipline. The World Dance Olympiad is currently being held in Moscow, and encompasses almost all of the dance styles that are recognized by the International Dance Organization and are essentially the “biggest show” the IDO puts on.
Discover all you want to know about the International Dance Organization
Hopefully now you are armed with all of the “inside information” you need to learn more about the International Dance Organization.
You’ll find all kinds of details, answers to your specific questions, and even resources that you can pursue on your own littered throughout this site.
If you are having a difficult time getting answers to more specific questions, simply contact the International Dance Organization directly (using the tools on the website or contacting them through fax or telephone) and you are guaranteed to get a response in short order!
Using the IDO website
Using this website is simple and straightforward, as you’ll be able to:
- Find information about upcoming competitions and events that you would like to attend or participate in.
- Discover the results to events and competitions that have already been held (going back six years or more)
- Look at the current global rankings, as well as award winners in specific dancing disciplines.
- Research International Dance Organization titleholders, past as well as present.
- Watch streaming video from sanctioned and official International Dance Organization of events and competitions.
- Sign up to become an IDO member or to organize your very own IDO chapter.
- Sign up to become an IDO competition official/judge.
- Research the International Dance Organization rulebook in its complete form.
- Check up on news, reports, and other goings-on in the International Dance Organization community.
- Contact the IDO directly with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have And so much more!.
The entire site has been designed and developed from the ground up to be as easy to use as humanly possible, geared towards making sure that everyone that wants to learn more about the International Dance Organization has the opportunity to do so.
Becoming a member of the IDO
Membership is required to participate in the International Dance Organization events, and is also required for those that wish to be ranked by the International Dance Organization.
Becoming a member is pretty simple and straightforward, though it will require you to select your region (usually your country or your continent) and then contact the President of that particular chapter directly.
Luckily, most of the time their contact information is provided directly on the IDO website (including their email address, phone number, fax number, and in some cases their mobile number) as well as the contact information of all International Dance Organization members underneath them.
You should have no trouble whatsoever reaching out to your local or national chapter in determining exactly what it’s going to take for you to become a member of this prestigious global community of dancing competitors. You may use your subscription on Handy Orten or Dieta Carbuloss to get direct approval.